Mid Grampian Mesolithic

A community archaeology group looking for evidence for prehistoric people in Mid Grampian

Fieldwalking 2025

Mid Grampian Mesolithic will be starting our 2025 fieldwalking season in January with a joint social meeting with Mesolithic Deeside.

Saturdays and Sundays alternate each week and are the opposite to Mesolithic Deeside dates. Dates are subject to availability of ploughed and weathered fields, and dependent on weather.  We normally meet at 9.45am for a 10am start, and continue through to about 3pm. It can be (very) cold and wet, so please dress appropriately, including footware suitable for rough and muddy ground. 
Bring a GPS if you have one, also please bring a packed lunch. 

Please make sure that you have completed the Volunteer Form (even if you completed one last year, in case of changes to medical conditions or contact details).

Google forms version of Volunteer form. 

Volunteer form

Alternatively you can download and print the PDF version:
Volunteer form PDF

You should be able to use this without a google log in. 
Please email us if you are planning to attend and we will provide more details about the meeting location.  

We request that all under 16 year olds to be accompanied by a responsible adult. 

Mid Grampian Mesolithic Fieldwalking Dates 2025

•Dates and locations will be announced in January 2025

Meeting locations will be announced nearer the dates.

Fieldwalking 2023- 2024

In the first season (2023), the group walked four fields in the Don catchment, and collected 3625 lithics, with a strong concentration from a field on the river terraces north of the Don near Kemnay.

Results are summarised in our annual report.

In 2024 we walked 10 fields and found 1318 lithics. The report is in preparation. 

Our plan for 2025 is to continue walking in  Donside, but also to add some fields on the Urie.  

2023 Report

Location of fields walked in 2023 

Examples of blades found at the Boatleys field

Photographs on this page used with permission: © S Allerton, J Armstrong, R Hay.