Opportunities to contribute to Mid Grampian Mesolithic
There are various ways that you can contribute to our activities, not just fieldwalking. If you are interested, please contact us.
Email: midgrampianmeso@outlook.com
Lithic analysis and classification
Once we have collected our lithics we need to analyse and classify them.
Our main activity involves walking over ploughed fields looking for stone tools (lithics), mostly flints. For each find we record the GPS location.
Test Pitting
In future years we plan to conduct test pitting excavations to explore some of the sites we have located by fieldwalking. This can provide evidence for occupation and for dating.
Once the finds have been catalogued we can display the results on maps and relate to the local environment
Test pitting near Crathes with Mesolithic Deeside
Photographs on this page used with permission: © S Allerton, J Armstrong, R Hay. Satellite image © GoogleMaps